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Australian Green MULBERRY CUTTINGS (2) Refresh

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Located in: Lakeland, FL
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Thanks so much, Jan


Hi, I am selling 2 cuttings of Australian Green aka King White Pakistani. This LONG WHITE mulberry is so delicious, it’s sweeter than a donut and tastes like a ripe honey dew melon. It is ine of my top 5 favorites. (IT DOESN’T ROOT-HAS TO BE GRAFTED) I am a huge mulberry collector in central Florida zone 9B.  I have about 30 varieties and so far I have about 10 varieties that do excellently in my zone of hot/humid.  I also have some that grow well here but not much fruit due to the need for more chill hours we only get about 100. Below are the cuttings that you can also choose from and combine for custom order: I can do custom orders and add more cuttings. ask me about custom order discounts on larger orders.

Jans Best Dwarf Everbearing...This is my hybrid of Morus Alba dwarf everbearing, It has more of a weeping tropical growth habit and larger 1/2-1inch berries.  Very productive and very delicious. It has a nice sweet/tart balance...delicious.  This variety does not have a stem that runs through the berry.  (Most people that taste this one love it the best along with Lakeland Tropical which tastes very similar but grows more like a weeping tree). In my opinion a must have and would work in zone 5 - zone 10

Bryce’s Worlds Best...This is a very productive weeping tree/bush with large 1 1/2-2 inch berries. The berries are good but do lack some sweetness that other varieties have, still it’s a must have wonderful variety. I say it’s VERY similar to Thai Dwarf and I don’t see any difference in flavor of berries but I think Bryce’s worlds best grows better here.  Some say that the berry on Thai dwarf is sweeter however I have not found that to be true for me. I would say 8a-10 for sure.

Valdosta...This is a delicious variety with a large fat berry sweet/tart and DELICIOUS one of the fastest healthiest varieties for me and has a beautiful large leaf.   I would say zone 7-10.  It fruits a nice crop nothing next to Jans, Lakeland tropical or Bryce’s worlds best but still lots. 

Pakistani Black/Red...I love this super sweet variety with 3’+ berries very productive and super sweet and delicious.  Sometimes it tastes like grape jelly and sometimes it tastes like raspberry jelly. The only mulberry that is sweeter is Australian Green. Zone 7B-10

Maui...I got this wonderful variety from Hawaii it is one of the first to wake and fruit for me. Very delicious flavorful mulberry about 1 inch. Very productive and fast growing.  One of my top 5 ❤️  I have no idea on zones other than I would say 9a-10 I haven’t gotten feedback in colder climates 

Wacissa mulberry...was found in the sleepy little town of Wacissa Florida. The original tree must be close to 70 years old and continues to bear heavy crops of 1 1/2 inch deep purple fruit. Rich sweet blackberry flavor, very soft and juicy. Fruit ripens in May.

Florida Giant...

Tice...super delicious 1 1/2-2 inch juicy berries.  This is a Florida native tree Morus Rubra hybrid.  Top favor . It doesn’t get super productive until about 4-5 yo and then it will be loaded. This makes one of the most beautiful trees with huge heart shaped leaves larger than dinner plates.  These old native trees are naturally nematode resistant. This tree originated in ft Myers Florida in a place called Tice.❤️

Old Florida Mulberry...From Mulberry Florida this one came from cuttings that originated from a tree that was in mulberry Florida in the early 1800’s.  The town of mulberry was named after this tree..A native Morus Rubra hybrid and super delicious.  I call these trees Tice types. They are similar in their delicious berries with natural nematode resistance but this one has a little bit smaller leaves.

Delightful Mulberry...A Tice type mulberry Florida native tree. Morus Rubra hybrid. I don’t have many cuttings of this one yet, maybe 6.  This tree had up to 3’ berries on the tree, large leaves and super delicious mulberry flavor like I remember as a kid... this one would also have natural nematode resistance.

Australian Green...A long White variety that is sweeter than a donut!  It tastes like a sweet honey dew melon.  LOVE!!!!  I’ve read where a guy does root these but I’m not sure so I’m selling them for grafting.

Maple leaf..this one came from trees of joy but it doesn’t fruit for me here.  It should have a 1 1/2-2 inch berry with delicious flavor. It needs zone 6-8

Illinois everbearing...Very delicious mulberry but it has a hard time waking here. It needs zone 5-8 maybe would take zone 4 but I’m not sure. I won’t have cuttings for this one until June.

Oscar....this one has an unusual leaf and makes a pretty tree and grows well here however it doesn’t fruit much, it needs more chill hours. Very delicious tasting berry but it needs zone 5-8

Boysenberry Black mulberry...Rich Tangy Sweet Flavor! It is a Just Fruits find. The original tree was found at an old homestead Wakulla County Florida. Strong growing trees bear hefty crops of gigantic 1 1/2 inch long seedless black fruit. Distinct tart ‘boysenberry’ taste makes for great jam. Fruit ripens in May. Zone 7-9

Lakeland Tropical Dwarf Everbearing...This is a hybrid very similar to Jans’s Best but the leaves are smaller and it grows more like a weeping tree. It fruits abundantly with delicious sweet/tart balance fruit is usually a little less than an inch long.  

Secret Delicious....I just found this old Florida mulberry tree in Tampa and it was the most delicious sweet mulberry I’ve ever tasted with an explosion of flavor.  I actually think it compares in flavor to the TRUE Morus Nigra mulberry! I am SOOOO EXCITED about this find and I have about 100 cuttings rooting right now and they seem to be doing great so I am very confident this one roots. 

Lavender Mulberry....Small lavender color sweet berries.  Sold out till probably July.







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