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Honeyberry - 'Tundra' POTTED 1-2 FT Tall Refresh

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Located in: Stanford, KY
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Robust 2-Year old plants. Excellent quality fruit good for both home use or marketing.  Ripens earlier than 'Borealis' and has a more open bushy form with sweeter fruit.  Some berries drop when ripe so pick before over ripe. An 'easy picking' variety as berries are very visible and pick very easy off the bush.  Mature height 5-6' CANNOT SHIP TO CA, OR.

About honeyberries: We have to admit, we were skeptical about honeyberries for years until our bushes have gotten into worthwhile production and we have really observed them over the years.  Now, we recommend them for people who want to grow blueberries but have not had success due to soil conditions, pH issues, or other challenges with blueberries in general.  Another aspect of them is the name which suggests they are 'honey sweet' but actually has to do with the fact that they are closely related to honeysuckle, yet honeyberries are completely non-invasive and do not spread in the USA.  The berries are sweet-tart and similar enough in texture, look, and general flavor profile to blueberries to warrant comparison.  Although, they are much, much easier to grow and adaptable to clay soil.  Pest issues are few other than birds can get interested eventually and you may need to net them, similar to blueberries which are a bird favorite.  The flavor and texture of ripe honeyberries is just luscious and you can just eat handfuls of them at a time.  Plus, they are extremely high in anti-oxidants, beating blueberries.  They can be made into delicious jams and treats as well. 

They take a few seasons to establish but with good care they grow fairly fast and you can expect berries as soon as 2-3 years from planting.  They ripen with early strawberries.  In the Southeast, they dislike intense heat and sun, and so plant where they will receive about 1/2 day of full sun and 1/2 day partial shade.  They will likely not do well in Gulf or coastal areas of the Southeast due to the intense heat and humidity.  These are plants native to Siberia and Canada and dislike intense heat and sun.  They thrive in the Midwest and prairies regions, and do well in KY out of full sun.  They brown and lose their leaves by late summer in KY but this does not affect the plants negatively.  Pollinated by native bumble and carpenter bees (another reason not to kill these species).  Extremely cold hardy to zone 2!  Also the buds and blooms are fairly tolerant to late frosts and freezes, making them a more surefire success in difficult, frosty springs like ours in KY.  They are slowly becoming a commercial berry crop in Northern and Prairie areas (they're already a commercial crop in Canada).

PLEASE NOTE:  If it is Autumn when you place your order then the plants leaves will be turning yellow and dropping.  Your plants may thus be dormant and leafless upon arrival, or may have a few leaves still but they will be ready to drop soon. 

Site requirements: Full sun location, partial shade or 1/2 day sun in hot summer areas (the South). Good soil drainage.

Size at maturity: 4-5′, depending on location, climate and care.

Pollination: This plant requires no cross pollination in order to set fruit.

Resistant to:  Mildew

Hardiness: USDA zones 4-8.

Plant size: APPROXIMATELY 1-2 ft in 9 inch deep nursery tree pot.


  • Item # 53582009
  • 272 Page Views
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