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Cuttings from Tony’s Huge White Adriatic Tree Refresh

Renowned Fig taste like strawberries jam

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Seller Information

5-Star Feedback: 96%
Located in: Red Bluff, CA
View Seller's Other Listings
Shipping Options

Other $15.00

Payment Options

Seller Accepts PayPal

Payment Instructions

Payment due within 12 hours of purchase


Would like to take a moment to thank  Mr. Tony for allowing us to circulate his cuttings of this wonderful 120 year old tree at 90 years old he’s still an avid fig lover . He has been one for  all his life and  was born only 400 feet from where he currently resides . When he reached adulthood he purchased the property Across the road because of the Beautiful fig trees that were there which he has made his home.


thank you Tony for your generosity

A century ago, the premier dried fig in California, now sadly forgotten in the rush for foreign novelties. White Adriatic, is too an introduction from abroad - for centuries, grown in the neighborhood of Rome as a dual purpose fig, for fresh market and for drying, as 'Verdone.' It is our first recommendation as a dessert fig in a climate too cool for many other varieties of figs. The tree is dense and vigorous. Very productive of pale green fruits with heavy waxen bloom; tending to turbinate form. Flesh color of strawberry jam, and about as sweet and luscious. It bears no breba crop, but has a long ripening season of two months.


The purpose of selling these current so cheap is to allow people to trial new methods of propagating and/or grafting without being worried about killing them.


In that regards we will bulk ship Mondays and Tuesdays 7 to 10 Business days after the purchase.

we will also not do combine shipping unless purchased with another Variety ( Carr doesn’t qualify)






All cuttings are 6 inches or longer, with 3 or more nodes.  All cuttings will be freshly sealed at time of shipping.


My name is David Burke aka The Fig Hunter. I live in Northern California in Red Bluff, at the very north end of the Sacramento Valley. Though I was born, raised, and lived until few years ago in the city of Napa in The Napa Valley. I work primarly in heavy construction as a Union Pile Driver of Local 34 out of Oakland,Ca one of the oldest Pile Driving Unions. With type of work I travel a lot all over Northern California .

Also as a a Pround Union member of Local 3 Operating Engineers which I’lm the 4th gerenation.

We do this as a family; Priscilla , our 3 daughters and I. We look forward to chatting and visiting, if you have any questions just contact us here on FIGBID.  If you’d like to see the adventures behind the figs we sell here, on “FIGBID” check us out on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok Reddit, Tumblr ,and Ourfigs under the name “ The Fig Hunter”

So find a fig make a friend; plant a fig make a friend forever -The Fig Hunter



FigBid not “ Figbid”

  • Quantity of Cuttings per Purchase 4
  • Variety Name White Adriatic

  • Item # 28358936
  • 80 Page Views