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The FigHunter™️ Collection - Morning Star Refresh


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5-Star Feedback: 96%
Located in: Red Bluff, CA
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USPS Priority $15.00

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Morning Star is an interesting new seedling find. Found earlier this in far Northern California, in a drainage culvert and intertwined with a wire fence.  I would note that this also seems to be a dense seedling area.  

This is a smaller fig, yellow skinned with blush ribbing and eye.  Morning Star has a firm skin, but not particularly chewy.  It has a thicker gelatinous center with an ‼️Apricot flavor‼️, especially nearest the eye.  Little to no seed crunch on the figs that we tasted.

With purchase you will receive 2 cuttings, each with three nodes or more and 7" or longer. Because this was a 2019 find, and for the sake of transparency, we cannot confirm whether it is common or not.  Further, out of an abundance of integrity and caution (because no method is truly bulletproof when in fig wasp territory), we would not speculate that any California find is common without out of state confirmation, and we have sent cuttings out of California to be grown. 

•A little about The Fig Hunter•
My name is David Burke aka The Fig Hunter . I live in Northern California in Red Bluff at the very north end of the Sacramento Valley; though I was born ,raised, and lived until few years ago in Napa of The Napa Valley . I work primarily in heavy construction as a Union Pile Driver of Local 34 out of Oakland, CA, one of the oldest Pile Driving Unions. With the type of work I do, I travel a lot all over Northern California . On the Ranch I grew up on, there where 3 massive fig trees I remember from my youth. I started in the fig hunting hobby over a year ago because it was a fun thing to do after work . It also allowed me to take figs home to my family . We own 11 acres in Red Bluff,Ca we had a 1 acre market garden going and raised poultry and Berkshire Hogs. We were looking for something to add to the property, and because I was finding fig trees we went with them. I started recording the videos and putting them on YouTube after being recommend to do so, because the live streams of the fig trees I was finding on What The Fig were being lost in the mix of regular posts. So we started, and I mean my beautiful wife Priscilla, started “ Fig Hunters” YouTube channel ( the name was of course because of what we were doing and name The Fig Hunter was because someone said you really are The Fig Hunter. We do this as a family; Priscilla, our 3 daughters, and myself.  It allows us to enjoy a hobby together and most times it happens just driving down the road. We have found wild fig trees from Disneyland to Oregon most our finds are in the San Francisco Bay Area to Redding though. We follow strict lond established Naming guidelines of the Fig community . We freely name Seedling figs and we record and document the trees so to be able to prove that they are a Seedling. Then if we can’t tell if it’s a seedling ( 100 year old trees ) we might name the road and unknown if only for our own records . You might ask how can we tell it wasn’t planted? Well we use the method of possibilities if a tree is in a spot such as growing out of a rock the chances are it’s not planted. We do our diligence and research the hours spent pouring over photos is Exhausting. Most important we are doing this because it’s fun to share with others and the adventure . Then end goal is to have a legacy to pass to the girls as a fig farm in Northern California. I will continue to work Union because it’s fun . Also I wish to be and I respect honesty up front I shall make mistakes because I’m human but I will not go out of my way to lie to you about the things if I don’t know if it’s common I will never stated it is. We look forward to chatting and visiting if you have any questions just ask 

So find a fig.   
Make a friend. 
Plant a fig. 
Make a friend forever -The Fig Hunter

TFH-0724- Morning Star

  • Quantity of Cuttings per Purchase 2

  • Item # 13683919
  • 88 Page Views